About IUIC
Israel United in Christ (IUIC) is a Bible-based organization steadfastly dedicated to gathering the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel,” who are identified as the so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native American Indians today. At the heart of IUIC’s mission is the belief that these communities represent the true and historical descendants of the Biblical Israelites. Through in-depth biblical teachings and community engagement, IUIC seeks to reconnect these groups with what we consider our authentic heritage and identity. Israel United in Christ focuses on educating and uplifting its members by delving into scriptural studies that emphasize the significance of our cultural and historical ties to biblical narratives. IUIC’s commitment is to provide a spiritual haven that nurtures understanding, promotes unity, and fosters a sense of belonging among these communities, as they explore and embrace their heritage as delineated in the Bible.

Our Mission
Israel United in Christ is committed to the spiritual awakening and unification of the lost 12 tribes of the House of Israel, identified as the so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native American Indians. Our mission is to educate, empower, and restore these communities through a diligent study of the Bible, providing a strong foundation for understanding our true heritage and identity. We strive to foster a global community of believers, united in faith, who uphold the commandments and seek to live a life exemplifying the true heritage, spirit and virtues of the Most High God. By embracing our historical roots and divine purpose, we aim to effect positive change in our members’ lives and communities, guiding them towards a future rich in spiritual fulfillment and cultural heritage to fulfill the divine purpose ascribed to us, bringing together the scattered remnants of the House of Israel from all corners of the earth.
Leadership demands a resilience and dedication that not everyone may have. At Israel United In Christ, our leaders embody both commitment and the strength necessary to impart the true teachings of the Bible. They are resolutely focused on educating and awakening the lost 12 Tribes of Israel, believed to be God’s chosen lineage.
Israel United In Christ is a collective of numerous leaders and multiple schools, extending across the United States and globally. Our unified mission is to enlighten the 12 Tribes of Israel. Guiding our organization are our bishop and deacons, who exemplify robust dedication to observing the commandments and disseminating the teachings of the Most High. Their strength and devotion are pivotal in our quest to fulfill our spiritual and educational mission.

Many of us have desperate needs and desires in our lives and many times we think the Heavens are closed to us and all hope is lost. However, we are here to intercede in prayer for one another, strengthen one another and encourage each other. Don’t lose hope and don’t despair.
Contact us today for a Prayer Request.