Boots On The Ground
Flyers in Hand

Individuals mobilized, distributing leaflets with dedication.

The core aim of Israel United in Christ, aka IUIC, is to rouse the scattered descendants of Israel. With over 100 schools, IUIC commits its assets and efforts to renowned flyer campaigns. Whether it’s Sabbath Day endeavors or Camp 365, our unwavering aim is to return to our origins. Thus, we take to the streets, embedding ourselves within communities poised to enlighten the so-called “Blacks, Hispanics & Native American Indians throughout the four corners of the earth. Our informational leaflets are accessible in English among other languages. For specifics, consult a camp leader in your locality.

The urgency of this mission cannot be overstated. Time is a luxury we cannot afford, as the scattered remnants of Israel remain oblivious to their profound legacy and heritage. Every moment delayed is an opportunity lost to reconnect, to rebuild the once-unbreakable bonds that captivity, time and history have strained.

We must intensify our efforts, broaden our reach, and cry aloud with a voice so compelling, that it pierces through the noise and distractions of modern life.

The path to awakening is narrow and fraught with challenges, but IUIC’s resolve is unyielding, for the destiny of the lost tribes of the house of Israel hangs in the balance.

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