The Mighty Tribe of Naphtali

Middle Ages Name: Arawak Indians and Gauchos

Present Day Name: Argentinean, Chilean and Pacific Islanders

Location Today: Argentinean, Chilean, Pacific Islands and scattered, regions of the earth.

Lineage: Naphtali was the 6th born son to Jacob. His mother was Bilhah, Rachael's Maid.

His Name Means: "My Wrestling"

His Birth Is Found In: Genesis 30:8

The Tribe Of Naphtali In The Bible



Genesis 49:21 Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words.

Naphtali is like a hind (deer) let loose from captivity. The Persian king Cyrus released the Israelites from captivity around 529bc read Ezra chapter 1. They traveled to Argentina and Chile and the Pacific islands.

Deuteronomy 33:23 And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the west and the south.

“Satisfied with favor and full of the blessing of the Lord” meaning they would dwell of rich beautiful islands.

Possess thou the west, the Pacific Ocean is west of south America
“And the south” meaning the south sea aka the Pacific Ocean.

The Melanesian islands are a subregion of Oceania in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, and they are generally located to the west and south of the Pacific region.
The Melanesian islands include countries like Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia.
These islands are situated to the west of the Pacific region, mainly in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. They are characterized by their diverse cultures, lush landscapes,

The Gogodala people on the island of Papua New Guinea were traditionally an endogamous (mixed) tribe who lived in a state of constant warfare with their neighbor’s – the Sukis, Dibiasu and Kamulas. Their immediate neighbours believe the Gogodala came from elsewhere (southern kingdom) they claim the tribe of Benjamin.

According to Ezra chapter 1, king Cyrus the great released the 12 tribes of Israel from captivity around 530 BC to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the Gods Temple. Which was approximately 2552 years ago.

Ezra 1:2 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.

Ezra 1:3 Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.

When the Persians defeated the Babylonians around 530 BC, the policy of deportation as a means of dealing with conquered peoples changed. The Persians preferred that conquered peoples stay in their own lands (but pay tribute) worshiping their own gods (and praying for the Persians).

The majority of those people who returned at the stirring of God were members of the tribes of Judah ( and Benjamin (, ( the priests, and  Levi.

A small portion of Israel’s Northern tribes did return to Israel, read
Matthew 4:15
Luke 2:36
John 4:7-12

But the text understands Cyrus’s decree to mean that, though not all the Israelite exiles desired to return to Jerusalem, they all need to support the rebuilding of the temple.

A large remnant of the Northern tribes of Israel decided to leave that side of the world altogether.
2 Esdras 13:41 “But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,”

Excerpt from “The Quest for Origins” by K.R. Howe-
Page 38-

In general, their conclusion was that the peoples of Polynesia were the degenerate remnants of people who had been in the Mediterranean region in biblical times, and who had wandered the earth until coming to the islands of the Pacific. One specific and powerful argument was that they had Semitic origins.

Page 40-
It confirmed missionaries’ view of themselves as superior beings and the pivotal role that they and their culture was playing both in human secular development and in fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy of God recovering the remnant of his now dispersed peoples, including those from ‘the islands of the sea’.
Page 125-
“These American Indian [Semites] travelled around Mexico and South America and eventually voyaged to Hawaii about 2050 years ago and settled the rest of Polynesia.”
John Dunmore Lang  was a Scottish-born Australian   ( ( minister, writer, historian, and politician.
“He first published his argument in 1834, and was still arguing the case in the 1870s. Picking up the issue of periodic westerly gales across the Pacific, he claimed that ‘some unfortunate canoe full of Malays’ was initially driven to ‘some unknown island in the Western Pacific Ocean… [and] the hapless islanders and their descendants in succeeding generations subsequently passed from island to island to the eastward till they peopled… the numerous equatorial islands of that extreme ocean’ and on to New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island? A party blown from Easter Island finally landed in Chile. From there they travelled, settled, and established great empires throughout North and South America that ‘far surpassed in point of civilisation the more recent empires of Montezuma and the Incas of Peru’. Thus are ‘Indo-Americans and Polynesians one and the same people, sprang from the same primitive stock, and connected with each other by mutual ties of parentage and descent”

Isaiah 24:15 “Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD God of Israel in the isles of the sea.”
What are the fires on the isles making reference to?
The Pacific Islands are home to numerous volcanoes, both active and dormant. Many of these islands were formed by volcanic ac-tivity, as the Pacific region is part of the Ring of Fire, a geologically active area known for frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Here are some examples:

Hawaiian Islands (USA)

Solomon Islands

• Several active and dormant volcanoes exist, including Tinakula, which has been periodically active.

Papua New Guinea

• Mount Tavurvur: An active volcano near Rabaul that last erupted in 2014.

• Manam Volcano: Frequently erupts and impacts local communities.

Melitia Island has two active volcanoes and one dormant volcano. The active volcanoes are Mount Aelis and Mount Karys, while the dormant volcano is Mount Thalos.

The 12 Tribe Chart of the Tribes of Israel

Which Tribe Are You? Read and Learn More

Isaiah 11:11