Passover Menu
- Lamb or Goat
- Unleavened Bread
- Bitter Herbs

The Observation of the Passover
- Congregate with fellow believing Israelites and with your families. It is very important that your wives and children be taught the meaning of the Passover, read Exodus 12:3-4.
- The Passover meal consists of Lamb or Goat (Exodus 12:5), Bitter Herbs, Unleavened Bread (Exodus 12:8) and Wine (Matthew 26:18-19, 26-29).

How the Passover meal is to be prepared
The Lamb or Goat must be roasted with fire, read Exodus 12:9, “Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water (meaning the Lamb or Goat must not be cooked in water with seasoning), but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.” The Lamb or Goat must be cooked / roasted whole, because the bones are not to be broken, read Exodus 12:46. If it is possible that you can fulfill this scriptures then do so, if not, then get the meat in small pieces (Judges 5:11), and roast the Passover meal.
For the Unleavened Bread, Matzos can be used.
For the Bitter Herbs, any plant in the Lettuce family can be used.
The last thing is the Wine; the children can have grape juice.
Note: If the Passover falls on the regular Sabbath (Friday to Saturday sundown), then it must be cooked on that day to keep the Passover. The ordinances state that the Passover meal must be prepared on that day. The Passover is the ONLY High Holy Day that if it falls on the regular Sabbath, cooking is allowed.
The Passover service
Have a small service, beginning and ending with the reading of the Lord’s prayer, Matthew 6:9-13.
Read the scriptures pertaining to the Passover, Leviticus 23:5-8, Psalms chapter 105 and 106, Matthew 26:7-13, Matthew 26:26-29, I Corinthians 5:7-13 and Exodus 12:1-11
(Explanation of the Passover meal).
Before eating, send up a prayer to bless the food and drinks.
The Passover is to be celebrated with gladness and mirth. Music and games can be played for this festival celebration.
No BUYING or SELLING is allowed on the Passover. Therefore, all food must be purchased the day before. If possible, try to get off from work along with your children from school. These are days to be taken in order to honor the Most High.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread
For seven (7) days starting with Passover food with leaven MUST not be eaten!

All Leavened Must Be Removed From Your House
- Cakes (with yeast or leaven)
- Bread (with yeast or leaven)
- Yeast
- Baking Powder
- Malt
- Flour (with yeast or leaven)
- Any Products with Yeast or Leaven
- For Example: Frozen Pizza, And Some Cereals etc.
You Can Eat & Drink
- Rice
- Beans
- Meat & Fish
- Fruit & Vegetables
- Wine,
- Orange Juice
- Corn Meal
- Unbleached Flour
- Matzos
- Milk
- Cheese
- Mayonnaise
- Ketchup
- Vinegar
- Noodles

The Observation of the Feast of Unleavened Bread
- All products containing leaven (yeast) must be taken out of the household.
- The first and the last days are holy convocations. Therefore, no Buying or Selling is permitted.
The Closing Service
- Have a small service, beginning and ending with the reading of the Lord’s prayer, Matthew 6:9-13
- Read the scriptures pertaining to The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Leviticus 23:5-8.
- Before eating, send up a prayer to bless the food and drinks.
- The Feast of Unleavened Bread is to be celebrated with gladness and mirth.
- This concludes the end of the celebration of the feast.